Holistic Healing and Transformation Journey
Dedicated practitioner on a profound healing and discovery journey, offering BodyTalk, plant medicine journeys, and Reiki services for personal transformation.

1,000+ Clients
Compassionate Practitioner Journey
Holistic Healing Services Offered
Experience profound healing and personal transformation with a dedicated and passionate practitioner.
A session of natural and safe spiritual healing and self-improvement
Plant Medicine Journey Facilitator
Embark on a nurturing journey of healing and discovery
BodyTalk Sessions
Unlock the potential of BodyTalk with our experienced and compassionate practitioner.
I met Mia May 2023, I had just completed 2 body talk sessions with Donna Vance & couldn’t shake the desire to do plant medicine to deepen my sense of self knowledge.
I have had more sessions of Body Talk & Plant Medicine with Mia and May 2024 I was celebrating a year of a complete overhaul. I am not only deeply cleansed physically, mentally, psychologically and emotionally but I also through Mia as a person & her modalities accessed my Spiritual Self. What an amazing 12 months. I am a new being, running a new business and manifested my twin flame in the process. Mia is the epitome of “holding one’s space” both Spiritually, Psychologically and Mentally.
Did I mention that I’ve lost 19kgs, became more disciplined at gym, watch what I eat & stopped consuming alcohol because this new self has been so amazing. Thank you Mia for holding my hand physically & spiritually especially during my “Dark night of the ego & Void” phase in my spiritual awakening journey. I love you & I love your work.
Contact Us
Holistic healing and personal transformation through BodyTalk, plant medicine, Reiki.